Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's Past my Due Date and Time to Induce!

Now that I have no no Bridal Shower to prepare for, no wedding to distract me, no 16th Birthday party to plan, no cousins to play with, I am once again faced with time on my hands and the anxiety over when we will receive our Travel Approval (TA) is all consuming! This part of the wait is so much more difficult than the previous years now that we have a face, a baby, an actual daughter waiting for us. Granted, she does not know we are coming, but we do, and we can't wait to see her in person, hold her, smell her and show her pictures of her family waiting back home to welcome her.

As I was driving to work this morning, hoping that the TA would have miraculously arrived during my long 10 minute commute to work and if not, wondering if our adoption agency would be mad if I sent them yet another e-mail, asking if they heard of anything, it reminded me of the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy with Dylan. . . I was placed on bed rest and given medication in my 5th month to deter the pre-term labor that I started to have. Fast forward to the 9th month of my pregnancy and 2 weeks prior to my due date, my doctor took me off bed rest and the medication and said get ready, you will probably go into labor within the next 48 hours. Ready I was - bag was packed, room was ready, neighbors were on alert to come and watch Dustin, should I go into labor in the middle of the night, parents were ready and best of all, I would give birth and have Dylan just in time to make our annual trek to Palm Springs with the "Tripoli Group."

Forty-eight hours came and went and no baby. Seventy-two hours came and went and no baby. Ninety-six hours came and went and no baby. You get the point right? An entire week passed and NO baby! Monday I went to my doctor's appointment and begged, cried, pleaded for him to induce me. He promised that I would go into labor "any day" however; IF, I did not go into labor before then, that he would induce me on Friday (my due date). That was not acceptable! Didn't he know I had plans? Didn't he know that we were leaving for Palm Springs on Friday? I had to have this baby before then so that we could be with the rest of the group by the pool relaxing as we had for 15+ years before. Thus started my quest to induce labor myself. I drank caster oil and orange juice, which only made me throw up, but no labor. I went for very long walks around our neighborhood in the Temecula heat, but no labor. I went to see a movie with Dustin and ate every possible thing I could get my hands on, but still no labor. Chris and I had uh, well you know, AND STILL NO LABOR! So despite all of my efforts, I was induced on Friday and gave birth to Dylan at 1:00 p.m. 24 hours later we were in Palm Springs!

So I figure right now I am in the same predicament as before . . .final days of this adoption pregnancy, it is almost over and literally, any day now could receive our TA and be on a plane to China to "give birth" to our daughter. Until then, I'll have a glass of wine, take the dogs for walks, maybe go see Where the Wild Things Are and have uh, well you get the picture!


  1. Oh how I feel your *pain*.

    We sent in our LOC 9/9 and are STILL waiting for our TA.

    But from what I have heard, years from now, it will have been worth the wait!

    But still, to have her in our arms now....

  2. So glad to hear you guys made it safe & sound..Thanks for sending updates it's so nice to hear what is happening on your end!!!!Love the diaz family!!!
