Monday, July 16, 2012

Graduation Movie {Dustin}

Probably THE highlight of Dustin's graduation party was a movie made by a very dear friend of ours, Marc Gariss.  Marc and Chris have been friends for over 20 years and as such he has been there from the very beginning of Dustin's life.   He’s attended almost every single birthday party, usually bearing extravagant gifts such as t-shirts with Dustin’s image on them for all in attendance (1st birthday), ice hockey skates (2nd birthday) and much needed lacrosse gear throughout the years, just to name a few.  Dustin has always looked up to his “Uncle” Marc and will cancel his plans at the drop of a hat if he knows Marc is coming over.  Very impressive for those of you who don’t have teenagers!  
Feeling a little stressed, I asked Marc if he could help me out and put together a brief slide show that we could show to everyone the night of the party.   I knew it would be more creative than anything I could do, but as usual, Marc went above and beyond.  Words cannot explain how grateful we are to Marc, not for simply taking a task off of our to-do list but for capturing the spirit of Dustin and our family and providing us with a gift that we will cherish for the rest of our lives.  THANK YOU MARC!

Marc and a 2-month old Dustin
18th Birthday

Graduation Day

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Catching Up . . .

Hello Again! Yes, it has been a while since I last posted.  As usual, life interferes with my writing.  Where to begin, where to begin . . .

June marked the end of the school year for the boys, in which Dylan earned his highest GPA ever, a 3.5!  We are beyond proud of him as he worked his butt off this school year.  He attended tutoring at school 2, sometimes 4 days a week in addition to working with a private tutor once a week for math.  He independently established goals for his homework, tests and projects all while maintaining the ever important citizenship grade.  The reward for all of his hard work was the class trip to Yosemite National Park.  He and one of his best buddies roomed together for a week and hiked up to 5 miles each day.  It was a great way to end the school year and a trip Dylan will not forget.  Be sure to check out his pics below as he is also a budding photographer.


June also marked the end of school for Dani - sort of.  Her twice weekly, group speech therapy sessions at the local elementary school came to an end. In addition to the speech therapy she undergoes weekly at Children's Hospital, she is able to participate in group therapy sessions with other kids and the results have been amazing!  Our little girl gives new meaning to the term "Chatty Cathy!"  She resumes the sessions when school starts again in the Fall, as well as begins attending pre-school three days a week.  I cannot believe she will be 4 in just a few short months!

June was an event filled month for Dustin with his Sr. Prom, Disneyland Grad Nite and not only marked the end of the school year for Dustin, but the end of high school.  Yes, our 6' 4" "baby" boy graduated from high school! It was a crazy, chaotic, emotion-filled day, one we were fortunate to spend with all of our family.  Tutu & Hootie (aka Grandma and Grandpa Edgeworth) flew in from Kauai, Auntie Laurie, Uncle Dave, Emily and Jake from Mexico in addition to Grandma Mernie and Grandpa Larry and Grandma and "Jim".  We took advantage of the family being all together for the first time in over 15 years with a week full of activities . . . Belmont Park, The Wave House, Graduation Party for Dustin and Birthday Brunch for Auntie Laurie.  It was truly a wonderful week and we are so appreciative of everyone taking the time out of their summer to spend it with us.


Graduation Day

Wave House & Belmont Park

Graduation Party
Memorabilia Wall

Birthday Brunch

I think that about gets everyone caught up for now.  I hope you and yours are having a fun-filled summer!