Friday, December 11, 2009

For Ethel and Shonnel

Roxy watching over her new baby

Hello everyone, I'm hoping I can work on a post this weekend, but to tie you Bagalini fans over until then, here are a few of the recent pictures. Did I mention the girl LOVES her Daddy? Enjoy!


  1. This has truly made our day. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! She is so beautiful and very sweet. Thank you for sharing her with us.


  2. I was soooo excited to see new pictures of Miss Dani that I completely failed to notice my name in bright lights!

    I just want you to know that I so love reading about your journey to finding true love in this adorable little peach of yours. I must admit that I might be borderline stalker because I am frequently checking for updates in the Land of Dani. We were so thrilled to have the opportunity to meet her the other day. She is such an adorable and happy little soul...and oh does she love her daddy!! Many blessings to the Bagalini family!


    I really don't understand why she can't join us for dinner on the 17th!! :)
