Monday, September 28, 2009

Oh What a Surprise!

In an earlier post I mentioned that we sent a care package off to our daughter. It was a small package with some pajamas, a couple of small toys, a photo book with pictures of me, Chris, the boys and even the dogs, and a disposable camera. I used a service called Red Thread China which is run by Ann, an amazing woman who lives in China and assembles and mails care packages to the orphanages in China from their new families. I also included a super soft blanket that looked too beautiful on her website to pass up and a tin of Moon Cakes, which are good luck in Chinese culture, for Dani's foster family. Ann will also take a letter you write to your new child or, in our case, her foster family and translate it to Chinese. This morning I received an e-mail from Ann informing us that she received our care package, added the blanket and moon cakes and was sending it to Dani's foster family and they should receive it in the next 3 days. I was very happy and hopeful that the items would make their way to Dani.

What I did not expect was a second e-mail from Ann a few minutes later informing me that she had updated information and new pictures of our little girl!!!! Through the tears and shaking I quickly opened the attachments only to find a new photo of our happy, smiling, beautiful daughter walking!!! I do not know how Ann obtained this information and frankly do not care, all I know is that we have new, current pictures of our daughter and did I mention, she is walking!!! Now I have to go shoe shopping - oh darn!

Being on the other side of the world and waiting, to go get our daughter is almost painful, so these tid-bits of information and pictures are like Christmas morning when you were a kid! We are so grateful that she is in foster care and not in an orphanage. She is obviously flourishing and well-cared for. This may make her transition to us more difficult, but I will be forever grateful to her foster family for giving her the love, attention and care that she and every baby needs during this critical time in her life.

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